The fastest way to treat sunburn: does it exist?

 The fastest way to treat sunburn: does it exist?

What is the fastest way to treat sunburn?  What are the home and medical methods that may help treat this type of burn?  Important information in this article.

The fastest way to treat sunburn: does it exist?

In what follows, we will inform you of important information regarding the fastest way to treat  sunburn , and the procedures that may contribute to resisting this type of burn.

The fastest way to treat sunburn: Does it really exist?

When it comes to treating sunburn, you first have to realize that there is no actual cure for sunburn, so the quickest way to treat sunburn may not exist in the first place. Healing and recovering from sunburn requires patience and waiting.

However, following some procedures can help:

  • Accelerate the skin recovery process from sunburn. 
  • Making sunburn symptoms less annoying, and these symptoms usually include: warmth in the skin, redness of the skin, and pain.

Sunburn recovery time

The burn that appears on the skin several hours after exposure to sunlight is an indication that the skin is trying to recover and heal itself after the damage caused by the sun's rays to its cells, and the recovery period may vary from one case to another depending on the severity of the sunburn, as follows:

  • Minor sunburn: It  takes about 3 days to recover.
  • Medium sunburn: It  takes about 5 days to recover, which may be followed by a period when the skin begins to  peel off  .
  • Acute sunburn:  It may take more than a week to recover, and the injured person may need to seek special medical attention.

The pain associated with sunburn is usually at its maximum 6-48 hours after the injury. As for the peeling of the skin that may accompany sunburn, this may arise specifically 3-8 days after the injury. 

The fastest way to treat sunburn: useful steps and recipes

As we mentioned earlier, the fastest way  to treat sunburn  may not exist, but following some steps can help support the skin's recovery process from sunburn, as follows:

1. Important basic steps to treat sunburn 

To help treat sunburn, here are some recommended measures:

  • Drink extra amounts of  water  as much as possible, as damaged skin attracts fluids from the body to the surface of the skin, which may make the patient vulnerable to dehydration.
  • Applying some ointments to the burn site to relieve irritation in the affected skin, such as: skin moisturizers rich in aloe vera or soy gel, and hydrocortisone ointments.
  • Constantly applying  cold compresses  to the affected area, or showering with low-temperature water frequently to relieve pain that may accompany sunburn, taking care to apply a suitable skin moisturizer as soon as you finish showering to preserve moisture in the skin. 
  • Avoid exposing injured skin to sunlight, and the need to cover burnt skin with clothing when going out.
  • Take  pain relievers  if needed. 

It should also be noted that some sunburns may cause blisters to appear, and tampering with these blisters should be avoided completely.

2. Natural recipes for sunburn treatment

Although it is not the fastest way to treat a sunburn, these recipes may contribute to the recovery of damaged skin:

  • Green tea recipe

To benefit from green tea to treat sunburn, the following applies: 

  1. Prepare the green tea recipe ingredients  , which are: 2 tablespoons of dried green tea leaves, and 1 cup or less of water.
  2. Green tea is boiled with water, and the tea is left aside for a short time until it ferments and its temperature decreases.
  3. A clean cloth or cotton is dipped in the liquid formed, and gently wipes the burn site.
  • Oats recipe with milk 

To apply the oatmeal recipe with milk, the following is followed:

  1. Prepare the ingredients for the oatmeal  recipe, which are: 1 cup of ground oats, ½ cup of milk, and ½ spoon of baking soda.
  2. Mix milk with oatmeal and baking soda, then apply the mixture to the affected area.
  3. Wash the skin after the mixture dries.
  • Other recipes

These are some of the other ingredients that may help support sunburn healing

  • Curd recipe:  A little cold curd is applied to the affected skin, then the area is rinsed after a few minutes and a suitable skin moisturizer is applied to it.
  • Honey recipe:  Honey is applied to the affected area, then the skin is washed after 15 minutes.  It should be noted that only medically sterilized honey should be used for this recipe.
  • Oatmeal recipe: A  little colloidal oatmeal is added to the bathtub water, then it is recommended to sit in the water for a period of a third of an hour.
  • Aloe Vera Gel Recipe:  Apply fresh  aloe vera gel  directly to the affected area once or twice daily.
  • Cucumber recipe:  A cucumber is cooled and then mashed, after that the mashed cucumber is applied to the affected skin.
  • Potato recipe:  Boil a small amount of potatoes and mash them, then leave them aside until their temperature decreases, after that apply the mashed potatoes to the affected area.

When is it preferable to consult a doctor about sunburn?

After we talked about the truth about the fastest way to treat sunburn and some important information about recovering from this type of burn  , we have to point out the need to consult a doctor immediately when suffering from sunburn if the following symptoms appear:

  • severe skin itching
  • Dehydration , extreme thirst.
  • Fever.
  • vertigo.
  • Breathing quickened.
  • Other symptoms, such as: painful blisters, nausea, and shock.
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