Sun damage: Need to know it !!!

 Sun damage: Need to know it !!!

There is nothing more beautiful than sitting under the warm sun, but it is important to be careful when doing so, as the sun's rays are many, get to know them in this article.

Sun damage: know it

Let us know the following about the most prominent sun damage, in addition to knowing ways to prevent these damages:

sun damage

Long-term exposure to ultraviolet rays emanating from the sun is the root of the damage, as the most prominent damage to these rays is represented in their ability to cause the following problems to the body:

1. Sunbathing

Tanning is actually a defense mechanism by the skin to protect itself from excess radiation. When the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays, it begins to produce more melanin, which causes suntan, which is the darkening of the skin color.


Sunburn is   a type of sun damage that leaves the skin red, irritated and sore.  Sunburn is divided into the following:

  • Minor burns:  they affect only the outer layer of the skin, and they last for a few days to weeks and eventually heal, but not before causing the skin to peel.
  • Severe burns:  they are burns that reach the inner layers of the skin and reach the nerve endings, and they are very painful and last for a longer time, and these burns require a medical  treatment for burns  .

Photo of skin with sunblock on it

3. Wrinkles

There are many factors responsible for skin  wrinkles  in old age, including: the force of gravity, the movement of facial muscles, and the increase in the oxidation process in the body, but the main factor and the most influential is the sun, as exposure to sunlight for years damages the collagen fibers and the fibers responsible for the elasticity of the skin, which cause wrinkling skin, sagging it.

4. Differences in skin color

Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause variations in skin color, which may remain for periods and years much longer than the end of the swimming season.

Exposure to sunlight can also cause changes in the small blood vessels under the surface of the skin, resulting in the skin always appearing red in these places.

5. Freckles

Freckles are small brown spots that appear on the skin after the first exposure to the sun.

People with fair skin or red hair are more likely to have  freckles on their skin.

It is worth noting that freckles are not always part of the sun damage, as they may be hereditary and appear on the child before the age of five.

6. The crust

One of the sun damages is exposing the skin to a crust that appears red or brown, and this damage can disappear after a few days of applying a good quality moisturizer to the skin.

7. Skin cancer

One of the most dangerous sun damage is  skin cancer  , as ultraviolet rays stimulate abnormal divisions in skin cells.

There are several types of skin cancer, one of which is Bowen disease, which means squamous cell carcinoma. This cancer begins in the outer layer of the epidermis of the skin, and without treatment it may spread to the inner layers of the skin and even to the internal organs.

8. Cataracts

A cataract   is a disease of the eye, and it can occur due to exposure of the eye to sunlight, as ultraviolet rays can lead to clouding of the lens of the eye, which prevents the transmission of light to the retina.

Ways to prevent sun damage

Sun damage must be prevented by following the following guidelines:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, and always seek shade.
  • Wear a hat and sunglasses when leaving the house.
  • Use   sunscreen creams   .

Is always sun exposure dangerous?

The answer is no, as a person must be exposed to sunlight to get his  vitamin D  needs, but that must be according to the following conditions:

  • Choosing times when the rays are not intense, so it is recommended to be exposed to the sun early in the morning and shortly before sunset.
  • Limit a time not exceeding 15 minutes of sun exposure.
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