Oud oil and its health and aromatic benefits

 Oud oil and its health and aromatic benefits

You must have heard about the smell of oud, but you may not have heard about oud oil and its many health benefits. Here are the most important ones in this article.

Oud oil and its health and aromatic benefits

Dehn Al Oud (Agarwood) is one of the widely used plants, especially in the Arab regions, due to its aromatic and medicinal properties that are beneficial to the body, so what is Dehn Al Oud?  And what are its benefits?  How can it be used?  Here is the answer below:

Oud oil

Oud oil was used in the past, especially in Chinese medicine or what is known as alternative medicine, and perfume, oil, incense and some medicines were extracted from it.

Oud oil is extracted from the Oud tree, which is the material from which perfumes and oils are extracted, so it can be used as a perfume due to its distinctive scent.

As it is included in many medical treatments, it has properties that make it an effective option in treating some health problems.

What are the health benefits of agarwood oil?

There are many studies that have been conducted that prove the health benefits of Dehn Aloes, including:

  • It is used as an analgesic and medicine to treat  digestive problems  .
  • It is used in Chinese medicine to treat cancer problems, especially breast cancer.
  • Oud oil is used to treat the bites of some insects and snakes.
  • Relieves muscle spasms and muscle tension and helps to relax.
  • Reduces various body infections.
  • Treats joint problems, especially  rheumatism.
  • May help treat paralysis.
  • Relieves diarrhea problems.
  • It is used to  treat recurrent vomiting  .

Methods of using therapeutic oud oil

There are certain ways to use agarwood oil to treat some health problems in the body, including:

  • Oud oil for the treatment of joint problems and rheumatism

Using Oud Oil and massaging the affected area helps relieve pain and expel toxins from the body through urination and perspiration. To obtain this, follow the following steps:

Mix 2 drops of agarwood oil, 2 drops of clove oil and 2 milliliters of coconut oil well.
Massage the affected area with this mixture twice daily.
  • Oud oil and treatment of flatulence

One of the advantages of Oud oil is that it helps to get rid of annoying gases in the abdomen and reduces digestive problems such as  indigestion  and nausea.

To obtain these benefits, use the following method:

Add two drops of Oudh oil and a drop of peppermint oil to a glass of warm water and drink it daily, but avoid taking it on an empty stomach.
Mix Oud oil with two drops of sesame oil to massage the abdomen area to relieve bloating as another way to get rid of flatulence.
  • Oud oil and skin health

Oud oil helps in getting rid of skin infections, skin irritation and itching, and helps in sterilizing wounds. To obtain this, follow the following steps:

Put a drop of Oud oil, a drop of  lemon oil,  and a spoonful of antiseptic.

Apply the mixture to the inflamed or irritated area and leave it until it is well absorbed.

  • Oud oil and sexual health

Erectile dysfunction in men is associated with many infertility problems, but the use of agarwood oil contributes to stimulating the desire for sexual intercourse, increasing the number of sperm, and improving ejaculation.

However, there is no proven scientific evidence confirming the role of agarwood oil in  treating male infertility problems  , but you can try the following recipe:

Mix a little oud oil with two drops of sandalwood oil, lavender oil and 10 milliliters of olive oil.
Rub your body with the above mixture or add it to your bathtub.

Precautions for using oud oil

After getting acquainted with the benefits of Oud Oil, we note some caveats when using Oud Oil as follows:

  • There are several cases that should avoid using Oud Dehn, such as: people who suffer from allergy to perfumes, and pregnant and breastfeeding women.
  • keep away from the reach of the children. 
  • It is preferable to dilute oud oil when used with jojoba oil to avoid any  skin irritation  .
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