Do you have oily skin? Then you have come to the right place that will guide you to the best ways to take care of it and control its problems, according to the recommendations of the best skin and skin treatment specialists:

Make sure to use the right lotion
- Benzoyl peroxide.
- Salicylic acid.
- Glycolic acid.
- Beta-hydroxy acid.
As for the water that you use to wash your face or skin, we do not recommend using hot water that may irritate the skin, but rather use lukewarm water.
It's time to treat acne and oily skin
Is it necessary to use toners?
Of course, it is important to mention to you here the topic of using tonic, which is usually promoted by a large group of cosmetic specialists as the perfect solution to the problem of acne and enlarged pores, and as a cleanser and disinfectant for the skin, and a contributor to regulating its secretions! The truth is that dermatologists are divided into two groups regarding its treatment of pimples and oily skin problems, so you find some of them encourage its use, and another section may not find it has a positive effect on the skin, but on the contrary it may irritate the skin, and may lead to the secretion of more oils, Many specialists advise using tonic on specific areas only if people with oily skin decide to use it. These areas include the forehead, chin and nose, while avoiding using it on dry areas of the skin, as this may lead to spots on the skin.
What about medical absorbent pads, blotting papers, and loose powder?
Also, as an alternative to medicated pads and as a quick solution to get rid of the oils that your skin secretes during the day and during a long hard day, blotting papers will be ideal for absorbing and eliminating these oils. Simply, you can carry it with you in the wallet and use it at any time by placing it for 15 to 20 seconds on oily areas such as: forehead, nose and chin.
There are currently some types of loose powder and transparent powder that may have the same action as blotting paper, as they can be applied to the skin while they are transparent and do not give any dye or color to the skin, and their mission is to absorb excess oils and reduce them.
This'S how TO keep face skin healthy and attractive!
Do clay masks really work? Is it worth avoiding the use of moisturizers?
There has been a recent promotion of many clay and specialized masks to cleanse the skin, regulate its secretions, absorb excess oils, and tighten pores. And the advice of specialists regarding it is that it be used on the places that suffer from the problem only, and not to repeat resorting to it except in special cases.
As for moisturizers, you will find that most people with oily skin avoid using them for fear of increased secretions, skin shine problems, and excess oils! This is not true, as the advice of specialists says the opposite, because even oily skin needs moisturizers, but not any type of moisturizer, but only oil-free moisturizers.
Make sure to use an oil-free sunscreen
What is indisputable is the importance of using sunscreen to protect the skin and skin from ultraviolet radiation and its damage. The use of traditional sunscreens usually causes a problem for those with oily skin, as they are usually not absorbed and work to close the pores. However, there are some products, especially gel and oil-free creams, that are intended only for oily skin. There are also some cosmetics that may provide sun protection in their content and can be used.
Dealing with men's oily skin, any special suggestions?
Dealing with oily skin problems in men is usually more difficult than in women, as they are less likely to use appropriate creams and lotions. Also, the renewed shaving process may contribute to increasing skin and skin irritation and exacerbating pimple problems. Here are the most important tips:
- Make sure to wash your face with a special cleanser for oily skin, once in the morning and once in the evening, using lukewarm water.
- Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in fried and processed foods.
- There is no harm in using natural masks that help treat the problem of excess oil secretion and regulate its secretion, such as a mask of lemon juice or curd that cleanses your skin and tightens your pores.
- Avoid touching your skin and always wash and sanitize your hands.
- It is important to avoid using any products that contain oils, especially with regard to moisturizers or sunscreens.
- Exfoliating the skin from one to two times a week may be helpful in tightening pores and getting rid of excess oils.
- Avoid popping the grains and emptying them, as this will make things worse and leave a mark in their place.
- When shaving, try to avoid the pimples and cut them as much as possible. And always make sure to sanitize your face after you're done