The 7 best foods to improve eyesight: start eating them today

 The 7 best foods to improve eyesight: start eating them today

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintaining overall health, including healthy vision, so what exactly are the best foods to boost your eye health? Read the article to know more.

The 7 best foods to improve eyesight: start eating them today

There are many ways and means that will help you keep your eyes healthy and healthy and reduce your chances of developing eye diseases, and among these methods is eating certain types of foods, so what are these foods? And what cases may protect the eyes from infection? 

Eye diseases prevented by proper food

There are many diseases and health conditions that may affect the eye, which can often be stopped and avoided if an appropriate diet is followed, such as:

  • Cataract, a health condition that causes blurry vision.
  • Age-related macular degeneration, which leads to a gradual deterioration in vision.
  • Glaucoma, or what is called glaucoma.
  • Dry eyes .
  • deterioration in night vision.

Important nutrients for eye health

Eyes need a variety of different antioxidants to keep them healthy and strong, including: lutein, beta-carotene, omega-3 acids, zinc. So, try to follow a rainbow diet, that is, a diet rich in colorful natural substances from vegetables and fruits, and these are the most important foods necessary to strengthen your eyes:

1- The fish

Fish in general, and salmon in particular, is considered a healthy food rich in benefits for the body at various levels, due to its high content of omega-3 acids, which are among the necessary and very important healthy fats for the health of the retina, as they prevent dry eye.

Try to eat several servings of fish (especially salmon) per week, and try to resort to marine fish species, not those raised in private ponds or farms, because marine fish contain higher levels of omega-3 acids and lower levels of saturated fats.

2- Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods that are very important for eye health, as the yolk contains high levels of vitamin A, zinc, and lutein, all of which are important nutrients for eye health:

  • Vitamin A normally protects the cornea of ​​the eye from any possible damage.
  • Zinc ensures the integrity of the retina and generally helps improve night vision.
  • Other elements in eggs help reduce the chances of some visual health problems caused by aging.

3- Almonds

Almonds, like other nuts and seeds, are important for eye health, due to their high content of vitamin E, which protects the body from some unstable molecules and electrolytes that normally target healthy tissues in the body.

Consuming vitamin E on a regular basis works to combat any possible health repercussions that may appear with age, so try as much as possible to eat 15 milligrams of vitamin E per day, or the equivalent of about 23 almonds per day.

You can also get vitamin E from other rich sources, such as sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and pistachios.

4- Milk and dairy products

Dairy and milk products are generally very good for the health of your eyes, due to their high content of vitamin A, in addition to other important nutrients such as zinc, as vitamin A helps protect the cornea of ​​the eye and zinc works to pull vitamin A from the liver and bring it to the eye to benefit from it.

It is worth noting that zinc is found in the structure of the eye in its various parts, such as the retina and the choroid.

It is preferable to obtain dairy and milk products from animal sources that have been raised in natural environments and relied on herbal feeding in order to obtain the greatest amount of nutritional benefit.

5- Carrots

Carrots are very important for the health of the eyes, and like egg yolks, carrots contain high levels of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Nutrients such as beta-carotene help protect the surface of the eye, preventing infections or serious eye diseases.

6- Curly cabbage - kale

Kale is considered one of the superfoods because it contains essential and important vitamins and minerals, in addition to antioxidants and other elements such as lutein, which is found in high proportions in other foods such as eggs.

The nutrients found in kale are very important to prevent some serious eye diseases, especially since elements such as lutein are not manufactured in the body, so the body relies on external sources to obtain them.

It is worth noting that the body needs approximately 10 milligrams of lutein, while a serving of 100 grams of kale contains approximately 11.4 of lutein, which is more than the recommended share! You can get lutein from red peppers and spinach.

7- Orange

Orange is a fruit from the citrus family known to be rich in vitamin C, which is essential for eye health. This vitamin (which is found especially in fresh vegetables and fruits) protects and enhances the health of blood vessels in the eyes, and vitamin C, if taken with other nutrients, can help protect the eyes from health problems that may arise with age. in age.

Simple life modifications for healthy eyes

Aside from following a healthy diet, you can keep your eyes healthy by making simple lifestyle changes such as:

  • Visit the ophthalmologist once every 1-2 years.
  • Wear sunglasses when going out.
  • Stay away from smoking.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Wear eye protection when doing some violent sports, or when conducting scientific experiments.
  • Maintaining a healthy blood pressure.
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