Teen Makeup: Your Complete Guide
When choosing teenage makeup, you need to take into account several factors and criteria, starting with the cosmetic company that produces it, and ending with its texture. Follow the article for more.

Let us know the following about the most important information and details about teenage makeup:
teen makeup
Adolescence is not a good period in general for the appearance of the face, as many teenage girls suffer from pimples, acne and other problems, so here comes the role of teenage makeup.
Appropriate teenage makeup can help hide these damages, but first you should know:
- How to use makeup.
- How to choose teenage makeup suitable for skin.
Goals to be achieved from teenage makeup
Adolescent girls wear makeup to achieve the following goals:
1. Hide acne
- Excessive production of sebum, as a result of the activity of large sebaceous glands in the skin.
- Presence of Propionibacterium acnes in the hair follicles.
- Blockages in the hair follicles that secrete sebum.
Therefore, before starting to apply different types of teenage makeup to the face, it is important to keep cleaning and sterilizing the skin on a daily basis to prevent acne from appearing.
Another way to reduce the appearance of acne is to cleanse the face with over-the-counter products that contain certain substances, such as:
- Benzoyl peroxide.
- Salicylic acid.
2. A prettier face
The teenage period makes girls take great care of their beauty, and they always want to appear with a more beautiful face, so makeup is frequently used by teenage girls.
Different Teenage Makeup Types: What's Appropriate?
In the event that you want to buy makeup , the available possibilities are many and varied, but several factors and criteria must be taken into account when choosing makeup, starting with the cosmetic company that produces it and ending with its texture.
In the following, the most common types of makeup will be mentioned, and what can be expected from each of these types:
1. Liquid make-up
If you want to buy liquid makeup, dermatologists recommend a moisturizing lotion with a light tint or a liquid makeup that is thin in texture. For a smoother, more natural look.
These products will add moisture to the facial skin and make it easier to remove. Some types of liquid makeup also contain salicylic acid, which helps prevent acne.
Makeup that contains salicylic acid is non-greasy and is best used by people who want to keep their skin pimple-free and prevent clogged pores.
2. Mineral makeup
Different companies tend to market mineral makeup powders as natural products that contribute to maintaining healthy skin, in addition to giving facial skin a beautiful and smooth appearance.
Skin experts suggest that these products can be good for teens, but most of them are made with oils, so this product is not suitable for girls with oily skin .
3. Concealer
Although concealer does not fall within the definition of makeup , its use is a good way to hide skin damage, so it is frequently used in teenage makeup.
The advantages of concealer are that it hides damage without exposing the skin to the risk of excessive makeup. Instead of applying makeup all over the face, concealer can be used to cover pimples, spots and damage separately.
The most important factor is to choose the appropriate concealer for the skin tone, as the concealer in an inappropriate color will show badly on the skin.
Teen makeup damage
Although teenage makeup adds more beauty and hides many skin problems, it may cause all of the following for some:
1. An increase in the spread of pimples
Although the desire to hide skin damage with makeup is understandable, too much makeup can often exacerbate the problem.
According to skin experts, there is a widespread phenomenon among adolescents who suffer from acne, which is trying to hide it by using large amounts of makeup, but these large quantities can cause clogging of the skin pores, which exacerbates the problem.
2. The appearance of an allergic reaction
Some adolescent girls may suffer from an allergic reaction when using makeup, and this appears in the form of:
- redness.
- swelling.
- blisters
The reason for this damage may be a poor choice of makeup, or the skin may be very sensitive to makeup of any kind.
In this case, you should avoid using makeup completely.
3. Clogged pores
One of the harmful effects of makeup is that it clogs the pores of the skin and does not allow the skin to breathe, which leads to many skin problems, the most prominent of which are:
- younglove.
- Scars are the result of enlarged pores.