How to drink green tea for slimming: important details

How to drink green tea for slimming: important details

Can drinking green tea help you lose weight?  And what is the way to drink green tea for slimming?  Here are all the details.

How to drink green tea for slimming: important details

Let's learn how to drink  green tea for  slimming, in addition to some important information:

How to drink green tea for weight loss: details and recommendations

Have a handful of green tea or freshly brewed green tea bags in front of you?  Continue reading to know how to benefit from it to lose weight:

  • How to drink green tea for slimming 

Here are the details of how to drink green tea for slimming:

1. Ingredients

Here is a list of the components you will need:

  • green tea spoon.
  • Cup water.

2. The method 

Here's how to brew green tea: 

  1. A cup of water is heated, then a tablespoon of green tea is added to it.
  2. Cover the cup and set aside.
  3. After 1-3 minutes, your  cup of green  tea will be ready to drink.
  • The best times to drink green tea 

Someone may tell you that the best time to drink green tea while following the method of drinking green tea for slimming is the morning period, while another person may advise you to drink it before bed, so read the following lines to know the truth about the best time to drink this type of tea:

1. In the morning

Drinking a cup of green tea in the morning regularly can help lose excess weight, but it is preferable to avoid green tea  on an empty stomach  , as the tannins and caffeine content of green tea may stimulate the production of increased amounts of stomach acids, which may lead to the emergence of some disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, such as: 

  • constipation.
  • nauseous.
  • Stomach bread.
  • Pepticulcer  

2. Between meals

To get the most out of the green tea formula, it is preferable to drink this tea between meals, specifically two hours before or after eating the main meals. 

Drinking green tea at this time will ensure that your body has absorbed the nutrients it needs from meals, and that green tea will not disturb this absorption process, as green tea's content of some active ingredients, such as catechins, can reduce the body's ability to absorbs certain nutrients. , Such as: 

  • Casein protein found in  milk  . 
  • Our minerals are iron and calcium. 
  • Vitamin B1. 

3. Before bed

Some may recommend drinking green tea right before going to bed at night, but this tea contains caffeine, so it can cause sleep disturbances if drunk right before bed, especially if the body has a high sensitivity to caffeine.

Therefore, it is preferable to suffice with drinking green tea during the day, or make sure to drink it at least two hours before going to bed at night. 

  • The recommended amount of green tea 

It is believed that drinking 2-3 cups a day distributed over the hours of the day may be sufficient to obtain the desired effect and  lose excess kilograms  , but the appropriate amount may vary from person to person depending on certain factors, most notably the degree of sensitivity of the body to the caffeine present in green tea.

  • Important recommendations regarding drinking green tea 

Before you start applying the method of drinking green tea for slimming, here are some important recommendations: 

  • It is not preferable to drink green tea with milk, as the fatty compounds present in milk tend to bind to some of the active compounds in green tea, reducing the effectiveness of the tea.
  • A cup of lukewarm green tea can be heated, heating it slightly may raise the levels of some of the active substances in it, so it may be a better idea to heat it than drinking it cold if you happen to forget it on the side. 
  • It is preferable to prepare this tea from fresh green tea, as using green tea that is more than 6 months old may reduce the benefit of a cup of green tea for  slimming  , as green tea may start to lose some of its effective compounds after that period.
  • It is preferable to avoid drinking green tea during meals. 

How can green tea help lose weight?

Green tea may help lose weight, especially from the abdominal area, as this tea is rich in compounds that may reduce fat mass and may accelerate weight loss, such as: caffeine, catechins, and these compounds and others may help achieve the desired weight loss through the following: 

  • Accelerate the pace of metabolism.
  • Promote fat oxidation processes in the body.
  • Raising the body's endurance, which may enhance the body's ability to engage in activities and sports efficiently. 
  • Reducing levels of the hormone ghrelin, which may help   suppress appetite  and reduce feelings of hunger. 
  • Fighting some digestive disorders that may negatively affect weight loss and the ability to exercise, such as: gastrointestinal infections, constipation, and flatulence. 

Green tea can also help keep some health problems associated with obesity and high body weight under control, such as: high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, so it is sometimes recommended to include green tea in the diet to reduce body mass index and combat  obesity  

Green tea damage 

After we have dealt with the method of drinking green tea for weight loss, we must note that drinking green tea in excessive quantities may lead to certain complications, such as: 

  • High blood pressure, especially when consuming more than 3 cups of this tea per day by people with high blood pressure.
  • Various disorders and problems in the digestive system, such as: acid reflux, diarrhea, and  vomiting  .
  • Raising blood fluid levels, especially when drinking this tea by people with bleeding disorders or originally taking blood thinners.
  • Other complications, such as: insomnia, stimulating the loss of greater amounts of calcium, and hypoglycemia.

It should be noted that the emergence of some of the complications mentioned above may have a negative effect on the body's ability to lose weight, so it is preferable to drink green tea in moderation and with caution

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