Hair melanin: information that interests you

 Hair melanin: information that interests you

Hair color varies from person to person depending on the melanin pigment, so what is the melanin pigment? And what are its types? The most important information about hair melanin in the following article.

Hair melanin: information that interests you

We all want to maintain the health of our hair and its natural color, so let's learn more about hair melanin in the following:

hair melanin

Melanin is known as the pigment responsible for determining hair color, as cells called melanocytes naturally make melanin in the dandruff in the middle of the hair follicle.

Hair grows with the pigment and its color at the same time, and it is worth noting that everyone has the same number of melanocytes, but there are people whose bodies produce more melanin than others.

The amount of melanin in the body varies by genes. If the parents have light hair, the children often inherit this trait genetically, and those who have small amounts of hair melanin show their qualities in the form of a relatively light hair color. 

Types of hair melanin

In fact, there are two types of melanin pigment that are responsible for determining hair color, and they are as follows:

1. Eumelanin

It is a type of melanin pigment responsible for the intensity of hair blackness, and there are two types of it, one in black and one in brown.

Black and brown hair grows as a result of an uneven mixing of black and brown eukaryotic melanin, and in the case of blond hair it turns out that there is little brown eukaryotic melanin, in return, there is no amount of egyptian black melanin.

2. Pheomelanin

It is the pigment responsible for the red color in the human body, such as: the lips and the nipple, but it also has a role in the appearance of red hair color for some, as it has been proven that there is pheomelanin pigment in the hair with the normal brown pigment melanin together and they appear in the form of red hair.

The relationship of hair melanin deficiency with the appearance of gray hair

With age, the efficiency of melanocytes decreases, which reduces the production of melanin pigment in the hair, and when the hair grows again, it appears without pigment, i.e. in gray color, which causes the appearance of gray hair.

In addition to the above, there may be other reasons for graying hair, including the following:

  • There is a genetic relationship to gray hair, meaning that it is transmitted through genes. If gray hair grows at a young age, that is, at the age of twenty to thirty years of age, the efficiency of melanin cells has nothing to do with that, especially if one of the parents has the same problem.
  • Gray hair occurs in some cases as a result of a deficiency in vitamin B12 or irregular functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is worth noting that gray hair appears more clearly in people with dark hair than in people with light hair.

Important nutrients to maintain your hair color

We are very afraid of our hair turning white, here are some nutrients that increase hair melanin and help maintain the stability of your hair color:

  • Protein: Food rich in protein , such as: meat, beef bone broth, and oats, helps maintain hair color and health.
  • Minerals: Food rich in minerals helps protect hair and its color, and foods rich in minerals include cashews, crabs, and egg yolks.
  • Vitamin B : Vitamin B works as a natural hair conditioner, and there are some foods rich in vitamin B, such as: green plant leaves, wheat germ, bananas, and tomatoes.
  • Copper: It was found that there is a close relationship between copper and hair melanin, as its deficiency leads to a deficiency in melanin pigment.
  • Omega 3: Dark hair color is found to be mainly produced in the scalp, and Omega 3 helps maintain scalp health.
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