Cold eye compresses: what are they and how are they used?

 Cold eye compresses: what are they and how are they used?

Eye compresses are one of the common eye treatments, as they are a treatment for most conditions that affect the eyes, and in order to get to know them more, we will talk in detail about cold eye compresses.

Cold eye compresses: what are they and how are they used?

If you suffer from the problem of Dry eyes, Blepharitis , Eye irritation, Conjunctivitis, Eye Redness and Swelling, Eye inflammation , Eye fatigue, Pink eye, Eyelid stye, Eye pain, Eye puffiness and other eye problems, then you are in the right place, here is this The comprehensive guide.

What are cold eye compresses?

They are cold compresses that help cool the affected eye. A towel immersed in cold water is used exclusively for this purpose, as the commercial cooling bags available in the market are very cold and may not be used on the eye at all.

The effectiveness of these compresses lies in relieving the perceived heat caused by eye irritation and itching, and thus feeling immediate relief after applying them.

Benefits of cold eye compresses

Benefits of cold eye compresses include:

  • It helps protect eye tissues by slowing down the metabolic rate, thus reducing eye swelling.
  • It is used to treat eye allergies and the itching that accompanies it.
  • Soft tissue injuries such as severe bumps and bruises are treated.
  • It contributes to improving blood circulation in the eye area, thus treating the problem of dry eye .
  • Relieves pain and burning sensation caused by eye strain.
  • Reduce headaches and irritation caused by sitting in front of a phone or computer screen for a long time.
  • Relieves symptoms caused by dry eye.

Cold eye compresses and their relationship to redness and irritation of the eyes

There are many causes of eye redness, most notably trauma and infection, and this usually causes redness of the area around the eye, and a feeling of pain and tingling, and in this case, cold eye compresses are the easiest and most effective solution, as cold temperatures shrink the blood vessels in the eyes. The area around the eye, thus reducing eye redness.

It is worth mentioning here that cold eye compresses are only a temporary solution to the problem. If eye problems are frequent or serious, you should go to an ophthalmologist immediately.

How to prepare cold eye compresses

To quickly and easily prepare cold eye compresses, follow these simple steps:

  • The first step

A cold compress is made by wrapping a few ice cubes in a plastic bag, a clean cloth, or a towel, and in the event that the eye sensitivity is high, it is enough to immerse the towel in cold water and then apply it to the eye, either in the event of severe swelling or trauma And bruises on the eye area, it is preferable to use an ice bag.

  • The second step

The cold compress is applied lightly to the eyelid, with the necessity of passing it over the eye and the entire surrounding area. In the event that compresses immersed in cold water are used, they are returned to the water in order to remain cold.

  • The third step

The compress is removed from the eye after no more than 20 minutes have passed, but if it is used to get rid of swelling , it is preferable to reuse it after two hours and for 20 minutes more than once a day until the swelling disappears completely.

Important tips when using cold eye compresses

It is usually safe to use cold eye compresses, but there are some things to keep in mind, namely:

  • Don't use cold eye compresses if your eye is injured, so you don't get another damage.
  • Don't apply a very cold compress or ice directly to your skin, as you may get frostbite or frostbite.
  • Make sure to put a thick cloth to protect your skin from the cold of the snow.
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