Celebrities adopt the strict vegan diet, with all its pros and cons

 Celebrities adopt the strict vegan diet, with all its pros and cons

Jennifer Lopez, Natalie Portman, Ariana and many other celebrities may surprise you that they adopt the vegetarian diet for health and environmental motives and goals and in their constant endeavor to preserve youth, so what are its pros and cons?

Celebrities adopt the strict vegan diet, with all its pros and cons

Celebrities and fashion models usually adopt strange and distinctive diets to take care of their health and appearance, and many of them may adopt certain beliefs towards some systems, as in the strict vegetarian diet that many of them follow, so we find that they are not only those who avoid meat and its products, but the matter goes beyond that to any products that come directly from Animals, including milk and cheese, eggs, honey and any product that may use animal skin or fur.

Let us introduce you to a group of Hollywood's most famous celebrities who follow a strict vegetarian diet with all its rules and regulations, and what are the pros and cons of following this diet on health:

Jennifer Lopez

Does the glamorous singer and dancer Jennifer Lopez catch your eye with her beauty, toned body and high energy? She also tried the strict vegetarian diet, and succeeded in taking on the 22-day challenge of following it, and since then she has not eaten animal products except for fish, and she says that since she followed the vegetarian diet, she feels better.

Natalie Portman 

Natalie used to follow a non-strict vegetarian diet, avoiding eating all kinds of meat, and then she switched to a strict vegetarian system influenced by reading the book "Eating Animals", in which author Jonathan Safran Foer's talks about animals and how they are killed and processed to obtain their products. And she has always been proud of that. According to what she mentioned in a previous interview with the Huffington Post, during her pregnancy in 2011 she returned to the non-strict vegetarian diet that allowed the consumption of milk and cheese, but she soon returned to her strict regime after her birth. 

Jared Leto

Attractive actor and musician Jared Leto may appear to be in his twenties, but in reality he is 43 years old, and he admits that the secret of his permanent preservation of his youth is that he has been following a strict vegetarian diet for more than 20 years. It is worth mentioning here that Leto won the title of the most attractive vegetarian celebrity for the year 2014.

 Ariana Grande

In 2013, the famous singer Ariana announced on her Twitter account that she would switch to a strict vegan diet. And she explained this in several interviews with her, that her transformation was with the aim of preserving her health, as she is an animal lover.

Beyoncé and Jay Z

 The famous duo, Beyoncé and JZ, may not really be strict vegans, but they did try out the 22-day challenge of strict veganism in 2013, just after GZL's 44th birthday. Beyoncé told Good Morning America that she's a vegan. their meals and lifestyle, and that this system really helps her maintain her weight and health.  

What are the positives of a strict vegetarian diet?

Properly following vegetarian diets may be linked to achieving many health benefits that have long been proven by studies, and this is what may make many people change their diet in order to achieve these benefits, which include:

  • Maintaining the health of the heart and arteries and reducing cholesterol levels in the blood, as vegetarian food is free of cholesterol and contains less amounts of saturated and harmful fats.
  • Maintaining and controlling weight, as vegetarians tend to have a lower body mass index ( BMI  ) than others.
  • Maintaining the balance of blood sugar levels and lowering blood pressure . This may be due to the fact that the vegetarian diet is high in dietary fiber and potassium, and low in sodium.
  • Preventing the risk of cancer, as studies have shown that vegetarians have a lower risk of developing BMI cancer  , especially cancers of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, and prostate.
  • Rid the body of toxins and waste, and prevent infections. Thanks to its richness in antioxidants.

What are the downsides of a strict vegan diet?

In general, the keenness of vegetarians to compensate for all the recommended nutritional needs and taking nutritional supplements may help them prevent many health problems, which may include:

  • Malnutrition and lack of some important elements, especially  vitamin B12 , vitamin B2, calcium, iron and zinc. 
  • Muscle weakness and contraction, especially if protein amounts are not properly compensated.
  • Bloating and gases, especially in the first months of following the regime.
  • Weakness and general weakness if the person does not eat appropriate amounts of calories and energy sources. 
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